emily kwan po wai

Emily Kwan Po WaiCollaboration(s): Mystery Files, One Good Turn Deserves Another, Once Upon a Time in Shanghai
Chemistry: OK
Relationship: Friends
Work Again: Neutral

Kwan is an A-B borderline actress, at one moment she get leading role, in the next she's back to supporting roles and sometime even a kelefei. In her three collaborations with Maggie, two of which she is Maggie's sidekick. Kwan's acting is average, she takes on roles that most leading actress avoid or supporting actress doesn't want to take it because it would typecast them later on. Nonetheless, Kwan is splendid in most of her roles. Kwan is on and off as a TVB actress. Most of her time is spent on making movies.
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Kwan and Maggie doesn't like each other in this series. Kwan is a detective investigating Maggie's true identity. No chemistry here.
Mystery Files
Kwan is Gallen's assistant, and at first doesn't like Maggie because Kwan has a crush on Gallen herself. But things eventually work out. Okay chemistry between the two, Kwan and Maggie.
Once Upon a Time in Shanghai
This is probably the series where they exert the most chemistry, more so because they have many scenes together. Kwan really shows through all her critical obedient toward Maggie that she cares for Maggie. Very true sense of sisterly-feel.    
One Good Turn Deserves AnotherOnce Upon a Time in ShanghaiMystery Files