evergreen mak cheung ching

Collaboration(s): Cold Blood Warm Heart, Plain Love II
Chemistry: Good
Relationship: Friends
Work Again: Positive

Mak Bao began as a stuntman cun extra at TVB. Then he got promoted to the Children department as an animator as a keen artist himself. And eventually to supporting actor. Mak Bao develop his acting style through different characters he played.   
Cold Blood Warm Heart
Nice pairing but completely lacked chemistry. Mak Bao plays the ultimate man for Maggie, who, after settled down from the wild life. 
Plain Love II
Very nice pairing with Maggie in here. Mak Bao is a sucker-for-Maggie and tries every possible ways to get her. They have many memorable scenes together. For example, the scene when Maggie turned him down at their wedding, or when she turned him down for the third or fourth time at the bridge. Very dramatic. Great performances.
Plain Love II